How The Mind Works
How the mind works is evident in a person’s handwriting. I am not talking about intelligence, just how their mind works on a day-to-day basis. You have known people who handle situations differently than you would. For instance if an emergency comes up, are you the type who is calm and steady ready to take action? You know who to call, make sure you have the insurance card, call to have someone take care of any other children or maybe an infirm parent. You are methodical and careful, knowing what to do and do it well. This is called the accumulative mind, that individual who thinks before they leap; they never jump into anything without first going over in their mind what the consequence may be. They accumulate information and put it on the back burner to go over and study at a later date. Careful is a good way to describe this individual. In that emergency I mentioned, the person with the accumulative mind has already gone over everything that would be needed, just in case.
A person who’s mind works this way will have handwriting that will show in the “m” the retracing going down and coming back up to make the rounded part of the letter. The line will follow the downward stroke back up all the way to the top to make the rounded top and then again will retrace the next part of the letter going down. The top is always rounded.

Analytical – The Ultimate Human Scale
The next mind stroke is the analytical trait, that person who always looks at a situation from all angles, weighs the pros and cons, is not satisfied with knowledge acquired by others, prefers to do their own research. This person is the one who knows going in, what is expected. They have read all information available to them, studied the compensation plan, knows exactly what is needed to collect all benefits, and has a plan in mind to become the top earner.
Break It Down
For the analytical stroke we again go to the “m” It will have points top and bottom, no rounded tops, no retracing, look for the inverted “v” If you turn the paper upside down you will see the inverted “v” also.

If the stroke is consistent through out the handwriting they may spend too much time analyzing and miss an opportunity because they hesitated.
Comprehensive Mind – Thinking Fast On Their Feet
The next stroke is the comprehensive mind, that individual who thinks fast on their feet, their mind works very fast. They make quick decisions, anticipating what will be said next and ready with a response when speaking with someone. Their mind flows, usually make excellent public speakers due to the ability, like chess, to think ahead three or four moves. They know how to manipulate a conversation, but many times they will miss an important detail in the conversation because they were thinking ahead as to what they were going to say next.
Break It Down
To find the comprehensive stroke look for needles. Anywhere you see a sharp needlelike point on the top of the “m” and ”n” and the base line stroke will be rounded up not an inverted v. As you begin to learn what to look for you will find the needles in other letters, but for now lets stick to just the "m" and "n".

Combination Strokes – Those That Have It All
Now let’s cover the combination strokes, those words that have a combination of all three mind strokes throughout the writing. That person who is able to move from one thought process to another with ease without breaking stride or getting upset. If the person is concentrating on something important that involves slow careful thinking and someone comes up and interrupts, they are able to change their thinking quickly answer the question asked and then return to what they were doing. Or if their mind is going full speed ahead, thinking fast on their feet, and a question is asked that requires a detailed answer. They are able to switch quickly, slow their thinking down, answer in detail, then resume the fast pace. This is a person that doesn’t let anything get the best of them, they have an answer for everything and their mind is creative. When you see a combination of all three strokes you know this person has all the abilities you are looking for. Don’t misunderstand; I’m not saying you should only sign people with the combination strokes, because each mind set is important in its own right. I would love to sign any one of the others if they have the strong traits I have covered so far.
Break It Down
When looking for the combination strokes look at all the writing, it will show up in the “m” “n” “r” “h” and even “s”. You will see the rounded tops, the inverted “v” and the needlepoints throughout. Mostly it will be in the “m” with the first stroke rounded, the second stroke v shaped and the third will have the needle. Then farther in the same word you will see rounded tops or inverted “v”.

Learn to look at all the writing and evaluate it in terms of what you are looking for in a business partner.
I hope the samples were a help to you in understanding what you are looking for. Please remember everyone’s handwriting looks different, you have to learn how to isolate each stroke.
We will cover persistence, initiative, and organizational ability next time.