The Smaller The Better – Giving Measure To Focus
If a person has strong concentration in their personality they will write very small. That’s it, that’s all you have to look for in the writing. Small writing, the smaller the writing the more concentration they have and any other trait they show will be intensified. This stroke can balance a less than desirable trait, such as a lack of high goals. For example, if they consistently cross their “t” just above the middle of the stem or even sometimes right below the middle, your first impression might be “no” goals, or goals that aren’t very high. But if the writing is small, any goals that person possessed will be better able to be realized through concentration. This rule applies to all personality traits found in the person. Writing small will help anything you see in the personality become more defined.
Determination – The Mainstay of The Network Marketer
The next stroke we will cover is determination, that individual who is determined to complete the task at hand what ever it may be, they will want to be the best at what they do. They will go out of their way to turn in the most comprehensive report at work, be the best baseball player on their team, run the farthest and fastest if in track, and sign up the most reps if in a network marketing business. This will be the most important thing for them, to succeed in whatever they set their mind to.

Look at the sample of handwriting and look at the small “y” “g” and “j”. On the down stroke that goes below the base line, there will be no loops, it will be just a strong down stroke ending instead of continuing up with the loop. The longer the stroke, the stronger the determination. You will find many samples that have the down stroke much darker than the rest of the writing and have a loop that is much lighter in color, this also demonstrates determination, just not as intensely.
I Should Have Known
When my son was in high school he was on the soccer team and as Mom’s generally do, I spent many hours sitting and watching his games. I noticed one day he was limping when he wasn’t running. For three or four games across several days, the same thing happened. When I asked him about it he just smiled and blew me off (as young men will generally do). It wasn’t until the last game that he admitted to me he had an ingrown toenail. When I looked at his toe I was astonished at how red and swollen it was. How on earth could he have run on that foot, much less kicked the ball game after game? He was one of the best players the coach had and he was determined to finish the season before going to a Doctor to have it looked at. Needless to say, when I stopped to think about it I looked at his handwriting and saw the long down stokes on his “y” and “g”. Focus and determination!
Let’s recap what we have so far…
- Enthusiasm, long strokes on the cross bar of the “t”
- High goals, cross bar of the “t” placed high on the stem
- Practical goals, cross bar of the “t” placed in the middle of the stem
- Stubborn, inverted v strokes between the up stroke and down stroke of the “t”
- Concentration, small writing
- Determination, strong down strokes on the “y” “g” and “j”
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